Monday, February 8, 2010

avenue q and other recent happenings

At this point, I've found that my blogging frequency really diminishes over the weekends. I'm sorry for this, I guess I'm just running around more, whereas during the week I am in more of a routine that I can account for blogging, especially when I'm feeling particularly un-sleepy at 1am. Like now.

Thursday I had work again, I'm starting to get more familiar with what I'm supposed to be doing which is good. Jason met me in Leicester Square after work, and we got tickets to go see Avenue Q. We got seats in the third row of the first balcony, dead center, and the seats usually cost 55 quid but we got them for 20 because of a student discount (or possibly a realization that they weren't going to sell these seats with an hour and a half remaining before the curtain went up). Either way, we were both excited for the show. I saw it last year in Madison with Jana, but I figured that the London West End cast would be a different experience than seeing it in Wisconsin, plus I assumed that Jason would be largely in favor of sexually perverted puppets. Right on both accounts, we both really loved it. Also, I had my first sushi experience. We split a roll before the show at a fast-food-ish sushi place across the street from the theater. It was crowded and seemed pretty legit, but I'm still nauseous thinking about the rock-hard avocado. I don't want to talk about it any further, just felt it deserved an honorable (or dishonorable) mention.

Friday morning Jason and I woke up around noon and made breakfast before heading with some of his friends to walk around Hyde Park and the Natural History Museum. It was SUNNY and almost 50 degrees which was very exciting seeing as we haven't had many days like that since I've arrived. Hyde Park was beautiful, even in spite of the horse poo that was everywhere. We saw this beautiful memorial to Victoria and Albert and also Royal Albert Hall, which is where the big Spice Girls concert at the end of Spice World was. And yes, I do retain this information. And yes also, that this did make me much more excited about seeing this building.

In the afternoon we headed to the Natural History Museum. The museum itself is in a BEAUTIFUL building and there was lots of cool stuff inside. We only covered about a third of the museum but this included the dinosaur exhibit, the mammal exhibit [everyone else also went to the reptile exhibit but due to my intense fear of snakes and general dislike of reptiles, I went to the bathroom instead], and the human exhibit. Personally, I found the human exhibit to be hilarious. They had all sorts of things that they would never have in America because people would be too offended (i.e. a cross section of sexual a family museum!!). There was also a lot of stuff that I generally found funny because I have a sick sense of humor (i.e. a GIGANTIC fetus). We ended up leaving after that, resolving to head back in the near future.

Saturday we got up late again and me, Jason, and Mallory headed to the markets by Camden, which is right near where I work. On the way there we passed by the Roundhouse, a famous music venue, where some teen pop-metal show was apparently taking place later that night. There were hundreds of kids camped out for the doors to open, and a RIDICULOUS amount of 12-16 year olds smoking cigs. Creeped me out a bit. But anyway! We went to Camden and it was awesome. They had this really cool little market with all these shops that were so neat and lots of places to get cheap food and other stuff. I got this vintagey tin that was originally made to honor Queen Elizabeth's coronation, but now is all ghetto looking and makes me feel like I should be boarding the Titanic (didn't Leo have some janky tin in that movie too? Maybe I'm just hallucinating). Anyway, there was tons of cool stuff in that market and a few awesome thrift stores. I'm really enjoying the Saturday morning market extravaganzas that have taken place the past two weeks. Also proud that they haven't done any significant damage to my wallet.

Sunday was a chill day, I ended up waking up after 12, which is so late for me that I just assumed my body needed the rest. I went for a short walk around my area before watching Elizabeth for class with Kevin, and then making chicken quesadillas for dinner. Then Jason, Keetin, Sarah, Mal, and I went to where the Wisco boys are living to watch the Super Bowl. Sadly, I did not win any money in the pool (so unfortunate), but it was fun and good to see the Madison crew.

Today was pretty standard. Had 2 classes and then watched The Exorcist in screening (still not sure how I feel about it). Then came home and did laundry which was going to spurn a raging blog post about all the things I despise about my dorm, but I think that will have to wait until later (hint: the laundry room will be on that list). For now, I'm going to head to bed. Gotta get up early in the morning for work! xx

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